ISCRAM 2024 in Münster

The pressing issues of crisis and disaster management, highlighted by recent severe flooding in Germany, were the focus of the 21st ISCRAM conference held in Münster from May 26th to May 29th, 2024. This event, hosted for the first time in North Rhine-Westphalia, brought together over 200 experts from more than 25 countries. Participants were welcomed by NRW Minister of Interior Herbert Reul, University Rector Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels, and Conference Chairs Berthold Penkert and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Hellingrath. The conference emphasized the integration of academic research and practical application, encouraging practitioners and researchers to share insights and innovative solutions. Highlights included keynotes on community-centered design and human behavior in crises, as well as networking events and visits to the State Fire Service Institute NRW (IdF) training facilities.